We are excited to be partnering with dj SKIP GLITCH again for this flow jam. They always bring an amazing mix of music and lights to our events. Bring a blanket or chair to sit on the grassy slope on the north side. Looking forward to seeing everyone again!

Wheel jam the hour before! Bring your skates, hover boards, longboards, etc and come roll with us while we set up! Fire starts at sunset.
If you plan to come spin fire or perform at this event for the first time please rsvp to Mooncat via text 319-594-2829, or message Pyro Flow–all are welcome!! Show up early at the event and check in with Mooncat or Rose for a quick safety meeting and you’ll be good to go

Spectators are welcome too!

As always, our Fire & Flow Jams are family friendly, drug and alcohol free, Leave No Trace events.
Fire & Flow Jams are intended to be a space for building community, making connections, practicing art, and lifting each other up. We hope you can come out to play and howl with us